Tonsina Point

Quick Facts:

  • Drive time from Seward: 10 minutes

  • Distance: 4 miles out and back

  • Activity: Hike

  • $5 parking fee

This is a great hiking trail minutes from Seward! The trail starts from Caines Head State Park and is well-labeled down to the beach. It’s a wide, well-graveled trail with some gradual hills throughout the lush coastal forest. After about a mile, the trail will start switchbacking downhill, but it never gets too steep.

There’s a large bridge that crosses the salmon-filled creek at the bottom of the hill. We turned left here and followed the sandy trails to the beach. The trail does continue straight along some boardwalks to another beach access point.

If you’re looking for a longer hike, you can continue the trail to Caines Head (14.5 miles out and back).


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